AI Meets Web3 Creator Economy: Analysis of the MyShell Badge System

A heartfelt thanks to Ethan (MyShell) and Chris Lu for their guidance and help with this article. MyShell fam chat always gives me courage and motivation >3 MyShell is a creator platform for AI Agents and AI native-apps, integrating mainstream proprietary models and a wealth of open-source models, providing diverse and user-friendly creative tools. On January 26, MyShell launched its Patron Badge system, which allows all AI agents, chatbots, and apps on the platform to become open investment assets....

January 31, 2024

Game of Overnight Wealth - Exploring New Flywheels and Governance Models in Web3 Games

With the recent market resurgence, some interesting projects have emerged before us. They also present practical cases following web3 game design theories such as IAT (In-app Taxation) and BLOG. So, this article aims to accomplish two things: Using Gas Hero and Lumiterra as examples, elucidate the new flywheel in web3 games under the business model of IAT, namely the high-stakes game of wealth at the top level. Analyze the governance models in web3 games using Gas Hero, Lumiterra, and Crypto Raiders as examples....

January 4, 2024

Thoughts on Game Marketplaces, Asset Valuation, and "Meta-Economic Interaction"

It was just another ordinary Sunday, with about two ongoing research projects in my hands—one related to the company’s research report and the other concerning AI. In my quest for more inspiration and material, I spent roughly two hours browsing the Netease Treasure Trove (Cangbaoge). I gathered some insights that I’d like to share, and as I kept writing, it evolved into an article, so here it is. This article will be divided into two parts:...

September 3, 2023

Sandbox,Simulation games, and Fully-on-chain game engines

This is an idea I’ve been pondering for half a year, and I decided to organize it during the Chinese New Year. I want to express my gratitude to all my friends who have discussed game design and full-chain technology with me. While I may have contradicted some of my previously held beliefs here, I will continue to seek knowledge and understanding. Through this article, I aim to argue one point:...

January 22, 2023

A Brief User Journey from AIGC

Thanks to Siena (@whysiena.eth), Cheese (@sunyuqian1997), and Hyacinth (@ring_hyacinth) for lending a hand and leading me on the way >3 1. Why do I start this topic? In the last two weeks, I’ve been trying out mainstream AI image generation products including Midjourney, Nijijourney, Lexica, and NovelAI to help illustrate my latest research report, and found that the current business model is dominated by a free trial + subscription, but only NovelAI image generator needs tokens to start, which aroused my curiosity....

January 17, 2023

My Learning Journey of Game Design

Recently, a lot of friends asked me how I learned game design. Some of them are game enthusiasts, and some are crypto analysts, they all have the same goal: to better evaluate a game project and help the team in some ways. To be honest, I don’t have much practical experience, and I’m not a lifelong hardcore player, but as a college girl who doesn’t like major courses, I do have some experience in teaching myself game design to share....

April 29, 2022

BLOG: Financial Infrastructures for Crypto Games

Original article: Authors: Kydo & Aiko Acknowledgment is always on top: thank you Nat and Nicolas (Crypto Raiders), Nate (Bancor), Jason (Folius), Jerry (Stepn), TY (Cradlesio), PhABC and Salvator (Horizon), Bailey (Defiance), Cyn Bahati (moongateguild), and Raymond Chng for making this piece possible. Introduction As with any economy, a balanced and sustainable monetary system is fundamental to its success. However, game economies have not found a balance between their money supply and demand....

March 26, 2022

Redemption of GameFi: The Design of In-Game Economy Mechanism

Introduction From the chess to the 4X strategy, the traditional RPG board games to the AAA open world, games have never been just entertainment, but a platform for players to compete around limited resources. As a result, in-game currency with circulation and use value playing a crucial role in the user retention and business cycle of a game. As the product of the combination of game and crypto currency, the tokenomics of GameFi project suits the game economy naturally and brings the trading of game assets from the gray area to the light of day, giving players unprecedented ownership and trading rights over items....

December 18, 2021

A Figurative Painting on Game Guilds: Varieties of ecosystem

Plenty of so-called “guilds” have sprung up recently and been considered comparable to YGG, but there are very different management and operation in each of them behind the same sign of “guild”. This article aims to explain the inter operation of YGG in detail, clarify the differences between guilds, and predict the market niche of future guilds, hoping to bring some thoughts to web 3 developers and investors. 1. The internal organization of YGG (YGG Treasure+ YGG SubDAO)...

December 9, 2021

Move Towards the Playable NFTs: An Analysis on LAND of GameFi

In traditional games, defence and plunder are the fundamental mechanisms that players interact with land resource, integrating into the 4X Strategy game with eXplore, eXpand, eXploit, and eXterminate as distinguishing features. Although the LAND in GameFi project haven’t been thoroughly involved with gameplay on account of its financial attribute, the utility of LAND is derived from exhibition to binding with the APR of staking, and then engages players to contribute to the community....

November 12, 2021